30+ Hours of Training
This course is 100% updated for the latest version of the CCNP ROUTE exam, the 300-101 version.
You can watch the videos as often as you like until you pass the CCNP ROUTE exam! Your download ability and online access NEVER expire.
Since 2005, I've prepared CCNP candidates for success on the difficult CCNP ROUTE exam, and now I'm going to do the same for you.
No prepackaged slides here - you'll see lab after lab on REAL Cisco routers, all designed to teach you the finer points of advanced Cisco routing and prepare you for success in the exam room and real-world networking. From BGP to route redistribution, from multi-area OSPF to distribute-lists, it's all here.
Your access to this online course is unlimited - you can watch the videos as often as you like and for as long as it takes for you to pass! Let's get started!
"Just want to say I sat my CCNP Route exam today and passed 1st time. I found Chris's material straight to the point, clear and concise. Will definitely be buying the Switch book and video series! Thank Chris! Ben London, United Kingdom"
- Ben Harvey
"Chris, After getting my CCNA I decided to make the leap to CCNP, I decided to sit ROUTE first and thanks to your materials ALONE I passed first time with a score of 865! ... Needless to say I will be using your materials for SWITCH and T-SHOOT! ... Cheers, Craig - Sheffield, England"
- Craig Cartlidge
Your GNS3 Academy Instructor
Over 250,000 students have joined his Video Boot Camps, and now it's your turn!
Since 2005, Chris has helped thousands of network techs worldwide in earning their Cisco and CompTIA certifications - and now he is ready to do the exact same thing for you with his clear, concise, BS-free training courses. Chris Bryant CCIE #12933 "The Computer Certification Bulldog"
Website: http://www.thebryantadvantage.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ccie12933
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/gPq52d
GNS3 Academy Curriculum
StartEIGRP 1: Adjacencies and Successors (9:48)
StartEIGRP 2: Building An NBMA Network (13:36)
StartEIGRP 3: In Search Of... Our Missing Subnets (5:59)
StartEIGRP 4: Successors and Feasible Successors (8:57)
StartEIGRP 5: Promoting A Feasible Successor (3:43)
StartEIGRP 6: The Variance Command (10:31)
StartEIGRP 7: DUAL And Its Impact On Active And Passive Routes (4:37)
StartAdv EIGRP 1: Packet Types and Timers (8:45)
StartAdv EIGRP 2: Hello Timers (7:24)
StartAdv EIGRP 3: "Show IP EIGRP Neighbor" -- And Distances! (4:56)
StartAdv EIGRP 4: Feasible, Reported, and Advertised Distance (10:28)
StartAdv EIGRP 5: FD, AD, And Variance (6:40)
StartAdv EIGRP 6: Admin Distances -- Default And Otherwise (11:24)
StartAdv EIGRP 7: Autosummarization (11:35)
StartAdv EIGRP 8: Manual Route Summarization (10:24)
StartAdv EIGRP 9: The AD 5, Plus Stub Routing Theory (5:53)
StartAdv EIGRP 9A: Bonus Lab! Advanced Stub Routing (3:32)
StartAdv EIGRP 10: Passive Interfaces (8:16)
StartAdv EIGRP 11: The Metric Weights (6:08)
StartAdv EIGRP 12: Know Thy Interface Types (9:38)
StartAdv EIGRP 13: Propagating Static Default Routes (3:55)
StartAdv EIGRP 14: The IP Default-Network Command (8:11)
StartAdv. EIGRP 15: Neighbor Authentication