This is an introductory course explaining different visions of what SDN actually is. The course also shows you real world implementations of SDN in very large networks as well as high security networks.
You will also learn about how OpenFlow separates the control and data planes of networking devices.
You will then see a practical demonstration of an application communicating with an SDN controller and Open vSwitch devices.
Check out my latest SDN 101 Blogs in the GNS3 Community:

"David is wonderful - a very skillful and awesome teacher having a depth of knowledge and an excellent teaching techniques. The quality of contents are great. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to jump into the topic."
- Safir Ullah Khan

David, as a long time networking professional, over 25, years and started learning about SDN from the protocol level last year I found your course excellent.
Very well structured, the right amount of basics concepts with the practical included. Even though I did some deep dives with OF protocol last year and read several books on ACI for example.
Your course was easy to follow, grasp and learn the basics and find out about some other tools.
The part on how the controller and application from the app. store integrate was fantastic.
I already duplicated the labs for my own learning purposes, for I had mininet since January but didn't do much with it until your course.
Great job....I look forward to others.
- Jeffrey Sicuranza, Sr. Network Engineering and Architecture Consultant
Your GNS3 Academy Instructor

David Bombal (CCIE #11023 Emeritus) passed his Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing and Switching exam in January 2003. David has the highest rated and most popular course in the GNS3 Academy: SDN and OpenFlow Introduction.
David's software tools and training have been downloaded +100,000 times. Many thousands of engineers like you use his tools and training on a regular basis.
David has developed over 20 courses for HP which are used worldwide. These include multiple SDN courses and HP ASE certification courses (4 day Instructor led training).
David's YouTube videos have been viewed +1 million times.
David has been training Cisco and networking courses for 15+ years and has delivered instructor led courses in various countries around the world covering a wide range of Cisco topics from CCNA to CCIE.
He has also personally developed Cisco engineer utilities such as the VPN Config Generator, software, training materials, EBooks, videos and other products which are used throughout the world.