Python 3 for Network Engineers: Crash Course
Learn Python & Network Automation in GNS3 to boost your career!
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The Successful Career in Networking always means learning New Skills.
Nowadays these Skills are Network Automation and Python 3 which are a new reality.
It is often needed to know Python to get a good job, and Python scripts may be found now among the topics in Networking exams:
But it is often not so easy to get New Skills from scratch - so
I created this Practical Crash Course for You - for people who want to learn Python 3 in no time and boost their Career!
We will practice Python 3 and Network Automation in the GNS3 Environment, and first we will learn the Basics: starting from Variables and Strings, refreshing Linux command skills, going through Loops and Comparisons, taking Quizes and practicing Python 3 Syntax in different scenarios, then we will start managing the cisco Devices using Python 3 with Netmiko, and doing a lot of Cool Things, creating and improving Our Own Scripts.
Prerequisites: basic Networking skills.
After completing the course one can receive a certificate:
This Crash Course doesn't solely tell you to copy my actions, but also urges you to think independently by trying to improve the code using additional materials.
It will show you step by step all the needed Basics, and after that you will be able to make something much more complicated using the Official Docs and Stackoverflow.
I am a Network Engineer, and I am an Author of different Crash Courses on GNS3 Academy, so I designed this Crash Course in my own way to show you the needed principles to create Python 3 scripts without over-complicating the whole thing and without turning the course into the endless reference book (but if you want to know more, you can always use the links to additional official information).
So, my Crash Course is quite concise, and it will show you a lot of practical things in no time and in the same time will help you see the true nature of Python 3, so that you will be able to add "Python 3" and "Network Automation" Skills to your CV very soon, and I am very happy to see that the students start creating their own Python scripts thanks to my course:
So I hope that it will be useful for a lot of Network Engineers like You, let's get started!
Your GNS3 Academy Instructor
I have worked as a Senior Network Engineer in several big projects,
I am an Information Security Specialist (KFU), CCNP- and CCNA-certified and I also hold some Microsoft certifications.
Working for several years in IT, I have realized that Networking is my passion. Networking is all about connecting people, and I would like to share my knowledge with you to create my new own network.
In my life I have been acting as a student, as a trainer, and as a specialist in the production environment. The skills which I obtained help me make the material clear for everyone.
My style is to be concise to save your time and always to be to the point. If you want to get a lot of things in no time, please play my preview lessons and you'll see that I'm your guy!
GNS3 Academy Curriculum
StartVariables - Basics (1) (4:45)
StartVariables - Basics (2) and Types (str, int, float, bool) (5:53)
StartVariables - Quiz
StartStrings - Basics (1) - Defining, Quote Types, Concatenation, str() (5:29)
StartStrings - Basics (2) - Methods, Functions, in, Slices, Intro to a list (8:36)
StartStrings - Quiz
StartComments and their Usage (4:55)
StartUser Input. Object Type Conversion. (8:13)
PreviewCalculations. Order of Operations (6:43)
StartComparisons and Boolean Operations (5:27)
StartSpecial Operators with equals sign (2:46)
StartMathematical Python 3 Quiz